--Version 2.9--
Protected the web interface against cross site scripting (XSS)

--Version 2.8--
Strengthened as a result of a security audit. While no remotely
  exploitable holes were discovered, a scenario involving a high
  number of searches can potentially use too many CPU and memory
  resources (a hard maximum is now defined).
Added the ability to import an index file from a machine having a
  different CPU endian.
Support for 64-bit CPUs.
A user who has modify and/or delete permissions on the Users table
  can no longer modify or delete users who have a user level that is
  less than or equal to their user level.
Names in the Users table must now be unique. Setting a name to that
  of an existing user in the Users table will return an error.
  In previous versions, users with write access to the Users table
  could potentially circumvent security by creating a user with
  someone else's user name.
User levels are now enforced during field modifications so that
  ordinary users can change their passwords while admins can do
  more such as changing their own user name.
Functionality testing performed on SourceForge.net's Compile Farm
  to ensure that it works on a wide range of CPUs and operating

--Version 2.7--
Specifying a directory on the command line during an index update
  will now use that directory instead of the one defined in the
  index file to be consistent with the documentation.

--Version 2.6--
Default e-mail domain and default URL fields have been added to
  the index file header structure and to the query interface
  with backwards compatibility with older clients in mind.
ACL interface eradicated in favor of the LoginUser function
  call for web-browser-based queries, which is done within
More index creation options added.

--Version 2.5--
Added GNU configure scripts and fixed some compiler warnings.
Added an index creation command-line option with the ability to set
  the initial password, encryption, and /etc/passwd cache.
Fixed a bug that caused counterNext to have an incorrect value at
  the end of a search when not using any sort tables.
Removed some unnecessary/unused code.